How smartphones make us superhumans

5 Ways Smartphones Make us Superhuman

Smartphones get a bad rap sometimes. Yes, they impinge on our waking lives in merciless torrent of messages, prompts and notifications, ebbing at our own mindfulness. They keep us agitated in a perennial state of distraction, drawing ire from employers, lovers and other motorists as well. Still, for all their social flaws, smartphones do have their advantages, and can even make us better people. Here’s five ways that smartphones make us more productive, more capable and at times, superhuman…even if we have to use some creative thinking to get them there.


How smartphones make us superhumans

1 Bionic Bodies and Superbrains

While backlit screens and mobile gaming can do a number on our eyes and movable digits, some mobile app makers are trying to reverse that trope. Digital fitness can’t be understated in today’s climate of smart-wearables, calorie counters and tracking apps, neither can the new breed of “brain trainers” a’la Lumosity (lumosity/) or Happify (happify), which build your brain and cognitive abilities through artful and intuitive games. Perhaps most astonishing of these body improvement apps is the UltimEyes app (rsvlts/2014/02/19/ultimeyes-an-app-to-improve-your-vision/) which literally aims to improve a user’s ability to see both far away and close-up. Practicing moderation in all things, smartphones can be a genuine source of personal improvement, so long as we’re still willing to put in the hard time elsewhere.

2 Smart Rolodexes and Photographic Memory

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